Indian Navy Naval Dockyard Visakhapatnam Apprentice Recruitment 2022 For ITI Students

Indian Navy Naval Dockyard Visakhapatnam Apprentice Recruitment 2022- Applications are invited from ITI qualified INDIAN national candidates for Apprenticeship Training in the following designated trades for a period of one year at Naval Dockyard Apprentices School, Visakhapatnam, [DAS (Vzg)] for the training batch 2023-24 in accordance with Apprentices Act 1961, Apprentices (amendment) Act 2014 and Apprentices (amendment) Rules 2019.

Important Dates
- Start Date for Apply Online: 02/12/2022
- Last Date for Apply Online: 02/01/2023
- Last Date for Receipt of Offline Application along with relevant documents: 09/01/2023
Application Fee
All Categories: NILL
Age Limit
Candidates born on or before 02 May 2009 shall be eligible for applying apprenticeship training batch 2023-24.
Stipend Provide As Per Apprenticeship Rules.
Selection Process
Selection Will Be Based On Written Examination. Written Examination would be objective type consist of 50 questions (Mathematics 20, General Science 20, General Knowledge 10), with each question carrying one and half marks. Candidates in the order of merit of written examination would be called for interview in various reservation categories and trades. Interview is based on the technical skills of the candidates in respective trade. Candidates finally selected in interview will have to undergo medical examination.
SSC / Matric / Std X Pass With 50% Marks and ITI (NCVT/SCVT) Pass In Relevant Trade With 65% Marks.
Total Vacancies- 275 Post
How To Apply
Apprentice Profile, two original hall tickets and all relevant documents along with check-off list placed at Part – III of Annexure – I of this advertisement indicating status of enclosed documents are required to be forwarded to “The Officer-in-Charge (for Apprenticeship), Naval Dockyard Apprentices School, VM Naval Base S.O., P.O., Visakhapatnam – 530014, Andhra Pradesh” by Post so as to reach at DAS (V) by 09 Jan 2023. This would be considered as the off-line application for the purpose of enrollment.
Both on-line (profile registration at web portal) and off-line (hard copy of application by post) are mandatory for considering candidature of an applicant for further scrutiny and issue of hall ticket for written examination. Non-receipt of both (On-line/Off-line) applications would disqualify the candidature of applicant automatically.
Important Links
Official Notification | Click Here |
Apprentice Registration | Click Here |
Join Telegram | Click Here |
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Join WhatsApp | Click Here |