Indian Navy Tradesman Mate Syllabus 2022 Download

Indian Navy Tradesman Mate Syllabus 2022- Indian Navy (Headquarters Andaman and Nicobar Command) की तरफ से आईटीआई विद्यार्थियों के लिए कुल 112 पदों पर Tradesman Mate की वैकेंसी निकाली गई हैं जिसका फॉर्म भरने का अंतिम तिथि दिनांक 6 सितंबर 2022 तक हैं |
आज मैं आप सभी को इंडियन नेवी ट्रेड्समैन मेट के सिलेबस के बारे में जानकारी दूंगा |
Indian Navy Tradesman Mate Vacancy 2022 Overview
Organization Name | Indian Navy (Headquarters Andaman and Nicobar Command) |
Total Post | 112 Post |
Start Date for Apply Online | 06 Aug 2022 |
Last Date for Apply Online | 06 Sep 2022 |
Indian Navy Tradesman Mate Syllabus 2022
All Shortlisted/eligible candidates will have to appear in written examination consisting of objective type questions based on the Essential qualifications. The question paper will be bilingual in both English & Hindi (except for General English) covering aspects as below.
Part | Subject | Maximum Marks |
(i) | General Intelligence and Reasoning | 25 |
(ii) | General English & Comprehension | 25 |
(iii) | Numerical Aptitude/ Quantitative Ability | 25 |
(iv) | General Awareness | 25 |
Total | 100 |
General Intelligence and Reasoning- It would include questions related to Mathematical operations, Series, Odd One Out, Logical Venn Diagrams, Analogy, Word Based Problems, Problems Solving, Drawing Inference, Coding-Decoding, Non-Verbal Reasoning etc.
General English & Comprehension- In addition to the testing of candidates understanding of English language, this test will also assess vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonymous, antonyms, Comprehension and its correct usage etc.
Numerical Aptitudes / Quantitative Ability- This test will include question on problems relating to number systems, Time & Work, Mensuration, Ratio and Proportion, Average, Profit and Loss, Discount, Percentage, Time and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Statistical Chart, Trigonometry, Geometry etc.
General Awareness- The test will include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to sports, history, culture, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Economics, Current Events, General policy including Indian Constitution and Scientific Research etc. These questions will be such that they do not require special study of any discipline.
Provisional Appointment Letter
The appointment of provisionally selected candidates will be strictly based on the merit position in the written examination subject to satisfactory verification of documents, Medical Examination and other requirements as specified by the Govt. of India and Appointing Authority.
Document Verification
All documents pertaining of age, education, identity, address, category, caste validity certificate etc. will be scrutinized and verified prior to provisional appointment as per extant DOP&T policy. Date and venue for document verification will be intimated to the provisionally selected candidates on their registered mobile phone/ e-mail IDs and by post.
Important Links
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Official Website | |
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