Nuclear Fuel Complex Hyderabad Stipendiary Trainee Category- II Final Result Download
NFC Stipendiary Trainee Cat-II Final Result 2022- Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC) Hyderabad की तरफ से आईटीआई विद्यार्थियो के लिए कुल 184 पदों पर Stipendiary Trainee Category II के लिए वेकेंसी दिसंबर 2019 में आया था | जिसमें फिटर- 95 पद, टर्नर- 12 पद, वेल्डर- 3 पद, मशीनिस्ट- 5 पद, इलेक्ट्रिकल- 20 पद, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स एवं इंस्ट्रूमेंशन-5 पद, एयर कंडीशन एवं रेफरीजेरेसन- 1 पद, डीजल मैकेनिक- 1 पद, प्लम्बर- 2 पद, कारपेंटर- 2 पद, मेशनरी- 1 पद, लैब तकनीशियन- 3 पद और केमिकल संयंत्र ऑपरेटर- 34 पद का सीट था | सभी पोस्ट का स्टेज 1 ऑफलाइन एग्जाम 08/07/2021 को कराया गया | स्टेज 1 में जो विद्यार्थी पास किए हैं उनका स्टेज 2 का ऑफलाइन एग्जाम 17 अक्टूबर 2021 को हैदराबाद तेलंगाना में आयोजित कराया गया | जो आईटीआई विद्यार्थी स्टेज 2 में एग्जाम पास किए उनका बाद में स्किल टेस्ट कराया गया | Finally न्यूक्लियर फ्यूल कॉम्प्लेक्स की तरफ से फाइनल रिजल्ट जारी कर दिया गया है | आप सभी नीचे दिए गए लिंक से रिजल्ट डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं |
Advertisement No. NFC/02/2019 was issued inviting applications from eligible candidates for filling up of 184 posts of Stipendiary Trainee Category-II (Post Codes 21912 to 21924) intended for NFC- Kota, Rajasthan and Six (06) posts of Stipendiary Trainee Category-II (Post Codes 21941 to 21945) intended for PRP, BARC, Kalpakkam, Tamilnadu. Details of applications received, number of candidates attended & qualified Stage-1 Preliminary (Screening) Test & Stage-2 Advance Test along with details of candidates cleared Stage-3 Skill Test are summarized below:

Selection process as indicated in page 6 & 7 of Advt. No. NFC/02/2019 had been followed. Candidates clearing the Skill Test have only been considered for empanelment in the order of Merit based on the marks secured in Stage-2 Advance Test in respective Trade. Accordingly, the Select Panel and Wait List Panel of candidates in each Trade as detailed in Annexure-I has been drawn for considering appointment to the post of Stipendiary Trainee Category-II. In case of Tie in marks obtained by the candidates in Stage-2 Advance Test, candidate older by age are placed ahead in the Select / Wait List panel than the candidate younger by age. Result of Stage-2 Advance Test (Annexure-II) and Stage-3 Skill Test (Annexure-III) are attached.
SC / OBC candidates qualified on their own merit and who are placed under UR Wait List of specific Trade are also eligible for consideration against posts reserved for respective category. Such candidates will be considered only in case a candidate listed in Select List for SC / OBC does not accept the Offer and join the training.
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