ONGC Petro additions Limited Apprentice Online Form 2022
ONGC Petro additions Limited Apprentice 2022- 42 Post, Eligibility, Stipend, Selection Process and Full Notification- ONGC Petro additions Limited Are Invited Online Application Form for the Post of ITI Apprentice. Those Candidates Are Interested to the Following Recruitment Can Read the Full Notification Before Apply Online Form.
Important Dates
Last Date for Apply Online Form: 30/04/2022
Application Fee
All Categories: RS 0/-
Age Limit
- Minimum Age: 18 Years
- Maximum Age: 21 Years
Selection Process
The Applicants meeting the above mentioned criteria shall be required to undergo written test. The selection will be based on the performance in written test and personal interview.
The apprentice will be given stipend of Rs. 8,050/- per month up to his enagement in OPaL under apprenticeship as per Apprentice Act, 1961, Apprentice Rules 1992 as amended time to time during their engagement period.
- The qualification prescribed shall be from a recognized Industrial Training Institute (affiliated with NCVT or GCVT) as full time, regular course only.
- The essential ITI qualification must be acquired in the year 2019 or later (ITI qualification year should be 2019,2020,2021 or 2022).
- The applicant must have obtained minimum 60% marks in aggregate in the essential qualification applicable for the advertised posts.
Total Vacancies: 42 Post

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