Tata Steel Apprentice Online Form 2024

Tata Steel Apprentice Recruitment 2024- टाटा स्टील जमशेदपुर प्लांट की तरफ से दसवीं पास विद्यार्थियों के लिए अप्रेंटिस की वैकेंसी निकाली गई हैं | जिसका फॉर्म ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने का अंतिम तिथि दिनांक 17 जनवरी 2024 तक हैं | इस अप्रेंटिस फॉर्म में सिर्फ झारखंड एवं ओडिशा राज्य के दसवीं पास विद्यार्थी फॉर्म भर सकते हैं | यह अप्रेंटिस कोर्स दो साल का हैं | अप्रेंटिस पूरा होने पर टाटा स्टील लिमिटेड की ओर से दसवीं पास विद्यार्थियों को एनएसी (नेशनल अप्रेंटिसशिप सर्टिफिकेट) मिलेगा | पूरी जानकारी नीचे दिया गया हैं |
Important Dates
- Start Date for Apply Online Form: 06/01/2024
- Last Date for Apply Online Form: 17/01/2024
- Admit Card Release Date: 08/02/2024
- CBT Exam Date: 14/02/2024
Application Fee
The candidate needs to pay the required charges as quoted in the advertisement (Rs. 500/-) to be eligible for taking the assessment. Please make the payment through Online Payment Gateway in the application only.
Age Limit
- The candidate must have been born between 01-Jan-2005 and 01-July-2008 including these two dates.
- Transgender and Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe candidates must have been born between 01-Jan-2004 and 01-July-2008 including these two dates.
The candidates on selection in Apprenticeship Training will be registered in Apprenticeship Portal and get a stipend during training period as specified in the Apprentices Act, provided the performance and conduct is found satisfactory.
Selection Process
Selection will be done based on Centre Based Online Written Test followed by Personal Interview and Medical Examination.
Name of the Post | Qualification |
Trade Apprenticeship | Matriculation or equivalent examination having passed in all subjects with minimum aggregate marks of 70% (60% for Transgender and SC/ST candidates). Must have English, Science and Mathematics as subjects in Matriculation or Equivalent examination. |
Physical Fitness
Height | 152 cm (for girls 142 cm) |
Weight | 45 Kg (for girls 40 Kg) |
Expansion of Chest | 5 cm |
Power of Glasses | ± 4.0 maximum |
Eyesight | 6/6 in both eyes with glass |
Colour Vision | Normal |
Important Instructions
- Allocation of Trade and Duration of Training: Allotment of trades will be based on merit of the candidates in the interview. The training duration will be of 2 years based on the attendance and individual module pass marks (governed by training reference manual).
- The Apprentices Training Programme is governed by the Apprentices Act, 1961 and its latest amendments.
- On successful completion of training and being awarded the National Apprenticeship Certificate on clearing the All India Trade Test (AITT), if appointed, the candidate can be placed at any location of Tata Steel Ltd or it’s subsidiary or any of the group companies of Tata Steel Ltd.
- During their training period, the out-station candidates will be provided free hostel accommodation with food (at subsidized rates).
Important Links
Official Notification 1 | Click Here |
Official Notification 2 | Click Here |
Apply Online | Registration Login |
Join Telegram Group | Click Here |
Subscribe YouTube Channel | Click Here |